A quick life update/casual blog post.
My life lately has been pretty good. Come to think of it, it’s been pretty amazing. When is your life at it’s best anyway? Perhaps it’s now, I don’t know. All I know is that even though at the start of this week I didn’t feel so good and had some allergy symptoms and I felt tired and uninspired, it all somehow turned around. And I surprised myself yesterday with a huge inspiration, that turned to fruit.
Even though my body was sore and my brain was still asleep, I woke up and exercised every single morning this week. And secretly, I loved it (even though I might have acted up to Risto – how does he keep up with me, anyway? ) And when I felt annoyed and tired, I lit up some candles and allowed myself to relax. Even the fact that I’ve been a lazy cook somehow turned into victory: since on Monday we just simply had takeout. Though to be honest, it wasn’t as glamorous as one would think – it was the most spicy food I have ever eaten and it literally hurt me to eat it.
This week has been pretty exciting too. I’ve been happy with work. I’ve gotten a lot done. There are some exciting things coming my way – and to your way obviously too – and I can reveal that one of those things is a big collaboration with a dentist firm. It feels both scary (because who isn’t a bit scared of dentists, right?) and exciting, because my teeth have been bothering me for quite some time now. I know, you might wonder why, but I’ll tell you later.
I visited a pr company this week and got lots of new things to try out. I’ve already found two new gorgeous nude lip colors and new promising skincare products. I also started to eat sugarbearhair vitamins! I heard they were good, but I was still surprised at just how delicious they were. Hopefully I’ll get even longer and healthier hair, stronger nails and lashes – by eating candy.
See those beautiful lashes on the photo? I had an appointment with Anu again and the love affair with volume lashes continues. If you’re in need of a good lash tech in Helsinki, I warmly recommend Anu.
I welcomed summer to my skin! Meaning, I tried new self tanner and I think I love it. And I think I like me better tanned.
I also did some makeup shopping this week. I bought just the essentials – powder papers, concealers, makeup sponges and a foundation. I’m excited to try that foundation – my first impressions on it from today are good anyway.
The best moments are always the simplest ones.
Like painting my nails pink with my sister and making my nails match to my sister’s hair.
Or cleaning up my makeup table – once again (only to get it twice as dirty the next day).
Or not wearing any foundation and realizing, that my skin is doing very, very good.
And causing some amusement in the bus, while having a huge pink fur ball attached to my bag (hot or not?).
I’m also having lots of moments staring at our new family member – meaning a new plant (that both Risto and me picked up at the shop without knowing we chose the same one). Luckily I am not responsible for it, so I think it might even live.
I usually share my daily life snaps on my Instagram stories (since most of you follow me there), but I also still update my snapchat and maybe have an even more relaxed approach to that. Feel free to follow me there or on any other of my social medias – the links are on my sidebar, but you can basically find me with name charlottaeve everywhere.
What was the highlight of your week?
Mullekin käy välillä noin, että saattaa olla ihan vetämätön olo ja tyhjä pää pari päivää ja sit yllättää kunnon inspiraatiopuuska, jolloin saan “kirittyä” tehokkuudella ne väsyneemmät päivät 😀 Perjantaina nähdää, ihana! <3
Jep, todellakin 😀 Niimpä, ihana nähdä <3
Ihania juttuja olet puuhaillut, tästä tuli tosi hyvälle mielelle :D. Itsekin odotan kovasti tulevia päiviä, kun on tiedossa kaikkea jännää arjesta poikkeavaa. Perjantaina suunta Helsinkiin ja toivottavasti nähdään sitten illalla, jos olen oikein ymmärtänyt 🙂 <3
Kiitos, kiva jos ilahdutti. :> Joo, nähdään perjantaina! Kiva nähdä <3