SOS! New faves from Madara

madara sos

Madara is a finnish brand that offers eco certified organic products for hair, body and face. You can read more about Madara here.

I’m always scared of using products that are “for every skin type”. I have oily skin so I’m used to products that are meant just for that. This time I decided to try these products out anyway since I have heard that they really do suit many skin types. And you know what? I’m glad I did!

Madara SOS Hydra Repair Serum

This is perfect for my skin as a day cream even though it’s meant to be used under a cream. But as you may know oily skin doesn’t need much moisture. This thin serum absorbs quickly and is enough for my skin. It also works great under makeup.  I’ve fell in love with this and now it’s all I want to use.

Madara SOS Hydra Recharge Cream

The cream is very moisturising and nourishing so it works for me as night cream. I would think that this actually works for many skin types since it’s not crazy thick but not a very light cream either.

Madara SCRUB Exfoliating Oil-To-Milk-Scrub

An exfoliant with small microbeads. First you apply it to your face dry and gently exfoliate your skin. Then you apply water and let it foam. Then you rinse. This is a very gentle even though it has micro beads in it.

I love all of these products’ packaging. They are beautiful and have a luxury feeling to them with their light pastel colouring. Good work from Madara! These cost a bit more than what I’ve used to spend but then again these are awesome products and they are eco certified.

*Products are gifted


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  1. NinaS

    Yksi sos seerumiin rakastunut ilmottautuu. Hassuinta lienee se että mulla on taas rutikuiva iho. Yksinään seerumi ei ole riittävä, mutta kosteusvoiteen alla toimii aamuin illoin loistavasti. Ja se vielä tuoksuukin hyvältä.

    1. Charlotta Eve

      Ihanaa, lajitoveri! 😀 Joo se on kyllä jännä, että joku tuote voi toimia erilaisilla ihoilla. Mut tosiaan kuivaihoisille tuo toimii varmasti juuri oikeassa tarkoituksessaan – seerumina. 🙂 Mäkin tykkään sen tuoksusta – ja vaaleanpunaisesta väristä.<3

  2. Pauliina A.

    Oi kuulostaapa hyviltä! Toi seerumi ja kuorinta erityisesti kiinnitti mun huomion -kuorinta-ainetta oonkin vähän kaipaillut, kun kaapista löytyy vaan Madaran turvenaamio. Pitääpä käydä tutkailemassa näitä kaupassa! :))

    1. Charlotta Eve

      Ja onkin! Toi kuorinta on tosi ihana kyllä, etenkin jos tykkää rakeellisista kuorinnoista. Siinä on myös paljon öljyjä mukana, joten iho ei jää nahkean tuntuiseksi tuosta. 🙂 Se Madaran turvenaamio on ihana, kokeilin joskus sellaisesta testeristä <3 !


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