There is a new webstore in Finland that sells Korean beauty products. It’s *Bearel. I got some products for testing and I’m excited! I’ve been using Missha’s BB-cream before and I like it. Can’t wait to try all these products and tell you all about them.
Asian skincare is fascinating. I feel like the most interesting new stuff always comes from there – for example cushion foundations. Technology is very advanced there and skincare/beauty products contain both natural and synthetic ingredients. Also the INCI-lists are long there ’cause they want their product to contain as much good ingredients as possible. I’ve been liking products with short and simple INCIs but I’m still excited to try these out.
Täällä on yksi korealaisen kosmetiikan suurkuluttaja 😀 Jo monta vuotta käyttänyt 90% pelkkiä korealaisia tuotteita. On ne vaan omalle iholle – ja lompakolle – paljon sopivampia 🙂 Mun blogista löytyy paljon aiheeseen liittyviä postauksia, jos kiinnostaa käydä katsomassa ~
Hei kiva kuulla, täytyypä käydä tsekkaamassa 🙂 kiitos kommentista!