My vanity – How I organize my makeup

my vanity makeup organizing

Welcome to one of my favorite places in the world: my vanity. It’s where the magic happens – where I try out new products, feel creative or drink my coffee in the morning barely managing to apply any makeup at all. It all depends on the day, really. It is a special place for me, because it’s one of my dreams come through. So all of you out there with a special dream – don’t give up hope.

As I’ve mentioned before, we organized our entire apartment last winter using the KonMari method. I talked about how it affected my wardrobe and taught me a thing or two about style on this post. But there is one area, that was pretty difficult to organize – and that was my cosmetics. I have a lot of it and I can’t really get rid of it, nor do I want to.

But that doesn’t mean, that I don’t organize it at all. I actually go through my skincare products and makeup pretty often. My makeup table setting may actually vary a little every month. I thought I could share with you my collection, give you tips on how to organize them and show you how I keep them – somewhat – in place.

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Here is my battle station!

My vanity & how I organize my makeup

my vanity makeup table

makeup organizing tips

makeup collection organizing tips

Details of this rotating makeup organizer is in the end of this post, where I have links to everything as well.

rotating makeup organizer

Let’s take a look inside the drawers:

makeup organizing

makeup collection how to organize them

Here is the first drawer – it is where I keep my primers, foundations, concealers and some of my blushes and bronzers. Here is everything I need for a quick everyday makeup, or everything for the perfect base. The black makeup bag on the side is my storage – it’s where I put all the primers and foundations I’m not currently using (or some other extra products). On the side I also have this clear makeup organizer (that is made for Q-tips), where I keep my short brushes.

best makeup organizers

Here is the second drawer. This drawer gets me excited – it has almost all my eye shadows in it (single eye shadows & palettes), eye pencils, liners, brow products and the shimmering powders (or blushes, that are super shimmery). On the side I have more palettes (my sleek palette collection consisting of three palettes). I also keep my q-tips on the side in a brush holder. The lost puppy in the middle is my dry sunscreen.

The third drawer is where I keep my lashes, extra products (back-up products of products I can’t live without) and hair stuff. I also have extra Z-palettes in here. Actually I only keep my hair “accessories” here – the rest can be found under my table in the black basket.

my vanity beauty blogger

So, where have I bought everything? And where can you find those things?

Makeup organization tips

First of all, my table is from Sotka. I was gonna buy my table from IKEA at first, but then I decided to get it elsewhere, because I wanted it to be sturdy and of good quality. The stool is from IKEA though.

*Lighted makeup mirror

The big lighted mirror is from, but you can get similar ones cheaper from amazon like *this.  I couldn’t live without a lighted mirror – if you’re gonna have a good battle station you need good lighting. I haven’t put all the light bulbs in, because they are so bright I would be blinded. The smaller mirror is from IKEA and that is my main mirror (I really need to get my face close to the mirror, so that I see what I’m  doing).

I keep my brushes on the table in glass cups and normal coffee cups. I also have pink decoration stones in the glasses, to hold the brushes better.

I organize my drawers with clear and white makeup organizers.

*Clear makeup organizers in amazon
*White makeup organizers in amazon

Besides these, I use boxes to organize stuff. The lashes are kept in an old tablet cardboard box. The extra products are kept on a glass cup. You can also see makeup bags used as organizers. In the first drawer I have extra foundations and primers in a makeup bag and on the third drawer I have my hair stuff in one.

I use a *Brush Holder Cup for my q-tips and I also may take it when I’m travelling – most of my brushes are too long for it, but I use it just as a brush holder.

Makeup organizers from amazon

makeup organizing tips

The *rotating makeup organizer is the pride of my makeup table. This is seriously the best organizer I have. I like to keep all the prettiest products here, because seeing them make me happy. I also like to keep those products here, that I use daily.


Check out amazon’s *makeup organizers

makeup collection

And that is everything for now. I get new products pretty often, so as I said, I actually go through my makeup pretty often. I also get bored easily and might change the setting a bit, if I feel like it. But the key elements are here – the rotating makeup organizer, acrylic makeup organizers, boxes and the mugs.

Thank you for visiting my special place!

How do you organize your makeup?

What KonMari taught me about style

denim dress outfit

denim dress style

denim dress style

I’m the one to always hate hyped-up things. I usually get so annoyed of the hype, I end up ignoring the subject and later I find out that I missed out – big time.

That was the case with the famous KonMari as well. Until this year, when I finally  did some research on the matter and actually decluttered the whole apartment with my boyfriend.

Before going into the title, I want to say something about this famous book and the KonMari method: KonMari isn’t about minimalism. I had this vision of an empty room with only a few things in it. That all of a sudden I have to throw everything away and that’s the thing here: throwing things away. It’s actually the other way around: you should keep the things you like, the things you love at your home. You should gather the things you enjoy and show some respect to them. Sure you have to throw away a bunch of stuff away as well, but only things, that you don’t need or want to keep.
And throwing away useless stuff really makes you think. It makes you think of your spending habits and it really shows you, what things you truly enjoy. One of the big areas that we went through were our wardrobes. That was a huge deal to me. I learned a lot about my style and the kind of clothes I like to wear. Here are my style tips.

What Marie Kondo taught me about style

  • Buying your own clothes is super important. Since I’m the youngest sister of four, I always got the old garments. I rarely shopped for clothes and I think that’s why it took me a long time to find my own taste. I threw away most of the ‘old clothes’.
  •  Life is too short for feeling nothing more than comfortable in your outfit! There were some uncomfortable clothing in my closet, that I never wore. Too tight, too small or just a cheap fabric. I threw away those bastards, that made me itch by just thinking of them.  Also: comfortable doesn’t mean dull or unfashionable.
  • You don’t need all the ‘Must have’ clothing items. You only need clothes, that you like and personally enjoy. Of course there are some of the classics you probably do really, really need, but it’s always up to you. You got this!
  • You should buy clothes, not color. I wear a lot of black and sometimes I feel bad about it and buy something colorful – only to never wear it. It’s better to buy clothes, that you’re gonna like to wear, even if it means it’s mostly black. You’re probably gonna find a way to bring some color to your outfit anyway – if you like. For me it’s usually a bright lipstick, colorful eye makeup or a scarf. On these photos I’m wearing light blue eye shadow (and that denim shirt is colorful for me).

After going through my clothes using the KonMari method I’ve actually bought some new things, that have instantly become one of my favorites. So I also ended up becoming a better shopper! Nowadays when I’m buying new clothes I always make sure the fabric is of good quality, that I actually love the item and I think of all the other clothes I could pair it with.

denim dress

On these photos I’m wearing two new things that made it through the sifter: an oversized denim shirt and simple black leggings from gina tricot. Apparently the store acts only in Europe, so I found similar shirts for you like this  and this  (boohoo*).

Have you read KonMari? What do you think of this outfit?

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