When I was a kid I used to read this makeup guide book written by Raili Hulkkonen, a Finnish makeup artist. That book taught me the very first things about makeup and I remember being so excited about it. Makeup and beauty was truly interesting to me, even as a kid.
Raili has been on the industry already over 50 years and she’s very well known here. I have so much respect towards her and her work.
I never thought that one day I would learn makeup tricks from Raili herself, in person. But it just so happens that I have been lucky enough to participate already in two of her classes. The last one being yesterday, at Jane Iredale’s pr event.
I was super inspired after the event. I thought it would be fun to follow a makeup artist’s advice and do my makeup accordingly. So I created this very natural makeup look using some of the same products Raili used in her makeup demos. And obviously I wanted to share some makeup tips with you.
Who wouldn’t want to get makeup tips from a makeup artist, right?
Makeup tips from a makeup artist
- Less is more, when it comes to foundation.
It surprises me every time a makeup artist says that they usually do a very light base. Raili is not the first MUA to be horrified of the full-coverage trend. She said that it’s okay to let some skin show through. Not everything needs to be covered. So good news, everyone: we don’t have to look like perfect dolls. - Skip powder – or use it minimally.
I tend to go a bit overboard with powder, I must admit. But even with oilier skin types, you should only powder the t-zone. No need to go all matte! Raili revealed that she might not even use powder for all of her clients. If you have dry skin, skip powder altogether. It’s true that a bit glowy skin looks more natural and alive. - Stick with the basics.
When Raili did makeup on a model, she only used blush besides the foundation. We tend to get worried about all the latest makeup trends like contouring and highlighting, but forget that makeup doesn’t need to be that complicated. Learn to use blush and that’s all you need. I have to say I kinda agree with Raili, I think blush is a vital makeup product. - Beige kills.
This is not a makeup tip per se, but I just had to include it here, because I found it so funny. Raili was all about red lipsticks and her opinion on nude lipsticks was that – well, apparently beige kills. Red is a classic I agree, but there is still a place in my heart for nude lipsticks. But if you’re just starting out with lipsticks, a red color is easier to pull off (you can always choose a lighter red, like a rose color for example). - To hide, draw attention to somewhere else.
If you’re tired and want to hide your dark circles, instead of applying a ton of product on the thin skin around your eyes, try and emphasize your eyes by using eyeshadows. When you’re wearing eye makeup, the attention goes from your dark circles to your eyes. Same goes to aging and wrinkles. You don’t need to try and hide your skin with a thick foundation. You can draw the attention to your eyes and lips. Red lipstick is a great choice for older women as well – it draws the attention to your lips. - Keep it natural.
Everything doesn’t have to be over the top. Makeup is also all about showcasing your natural beauty and everything doesn’t need to look so drawn on. For example eyebrows: they don’t have to be thick! You can just follow your natural brow shape and keep everything quite natural-looking.
I did my makeup today with these tricks in mind and I used mostly Jane Iredale products.
It felt quite liberating but also weird to wear my brows this natural. I’m so used to making them thicker.
I liked the lighter base, even though it’s not that long-lasting on my face (since the primer is so moisturizing). I loved the red lips. Iredale’s new lipstick formula is amazing and I have a feeling I will wear this red color a lot this season. If you haven’t already, go read my full review on the new Triple Luxe lipsticks here. Because these new lipsticks are good.
Products received as pr-samples
Products used
Jane Iredale Smooth Affair Facial Primer & Brightener
Jane Iredale Glow Time Full Coverage BB Cream, 5
Jane Iredale Great Shape Contour Kit, Cool
Jane Iredale Retractable Brow Pencil, Ash Blonde
Jane Iredale Triple Luxe Lipstick, Gwen
What is the best advice you’ve received from a makeup artist?
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Ihan superihana meikki, just sellainen mitä itse fanitan kaikista eniten ja mitä sitten itsellekin meikkaan 😀 Railin vinkit oli ihanat ja myös vapauttavat. Itse oon aina tykännyt aika luonnollisesta/kevyestä meikkipohjasta, enkä oo omassa naamassa innostunut sinällään contour-meiningeistä.
Muistan aina kun joskus teininä about vuonna 2001 luin Demistä Raili Hulkkosen sanovan, että suomalainen nainen näyttää ihan sian silmäiseltä jos ei käytä ripsiväriä koska me ollaan niin vaaleita, että silmät näyttää possulta ilman sitä ripsaria. Sen jälkeen en enää ikinä lähtenyt mihinkään ilman ripsaria 😀 😀
Sun iho näyttää muuten tosi kauniilta nyt 🙂
Hahaha, Raililta lentää välillä niin hauskoja lausahduksia. 😀 Onneks suurin osa ei ota pahakseen. Mä tykkään ite myös ripsarittomasta lookista. Oma silmänmalli on sellanen, että tuntuu et se kans sopii ihan hyvin. Tai omat ripset ylipäätään on vähän minit. Kiitos paljon <3