One of my favorite natural beauty brands is having a crazy sale today, so I wanted to do a quick post sharing my favorite products from them. I have mentioned these products several times here before, so I’ll keep this list short. I’ll add links to the posts though, so you can check them out!
The -40% sale is valid in Finland.

My favorite products from Madara
*Madara City CC-Cream
This CC-cream is bomb. If you read my Makeup Monday posts, you’ll notice that I used that product on every single person. That just goes to show how versatile the product is. It evens out the skin tone and gives a natural glow on itself, or it can be mixed with foundations to sheer them out or make them less matte. It’s also my go-to product as a sunscreen in Fall, Winter and Spring, besides the one below.
*Madara Face SPF 30
This is my favorite sunscreen for my face. I love how natural and glowy it looks – and since it’s a physical sunscreen, it lasts very well on my skin. It’s not white as most physical sunscreens, which makes it awesome. It has some color to it, which blends out perfectly on my skin. I also like to mix this with a matte foundation to make it more glowy and creamy.
I also like Madara’s other *sun products. If you’re going on a beach vacation, now is a good time to stock up on some SPF!
Madara is one of my favorite brands also when it comes to face masks. My top three masks from them are Detox, Peel & Smart masks. The masks are quick to use (only 5 mins is enough!) and they are effective. There’s also a moisturizing SOS-mask, if you’re not into purifying masks (AKA your skin is dry).
Read my review on Madara’s masks
*Madara SOS Hydra Repair Serum
I love this serum. It’s very ligthweight and hydrating and it comes in a beautiful packaging. Perfect for those moments when your skin screams SOS.
*Madara Nokkonen Daily Defence Hydrating Mist
This is one of my favorite hydrating mists. When your skin is dry, it needs water and lightweight products. This mist is aloe vera based and contains soothing nettle leaf extract. The best cure to dryness is to stack up products. So: first hydrating mist (like this one), then serum (for example the SOS serum) and finally the cream. I also mix oil with my cream in the evenings to get extra moisture to my skin.
Are you buying something from the Madara -40% sale?
Muuten hyvä teksti mutta olisin toivonut myös että olisit kertonut botoxin haitoista joita valitettavasti tapahtuu hyvinkin usein vaikkapa lääkäri olisi kuinka osaava. Tälläisissa toimenpiteissä on aina riskinsä eikä niitä tulisi mainostaa kevyesti.
Kiitos kuitenkin muuten kattavasta tekstistä!
Tää kommentti tuli jostain syystä ilmeisesti väärään tekstiin. 😮 Kiitos palautteesta! Tietysti näissä toimenpiteissä on riskinsä. Mä en voi muuta kuin kertoa oman kokemukseni, jotka on ollut positiivisia. Ja vaikka suosittelen tätä narskuttelijoille, tietenkin se on jokaisen omalla vastuulla tutkia asiaa ja tehdä tietoinen päätös. Enkä mä mainosta tätä kevyesti – tää on ainut asia, joka on kunnolla auttanut mua. Siksi mä siitä haluan kertoa. Samalla tavalla lääkkeilläkin on sivuvaikutuksia – silti joskus sen lääkkeen syöminen on pienempi paha, kuin olla ottamatta sitä.