Niki Newd brings food grade ingredients to your skincare

Collaboration with Niki Newd
products were gifted for a review

Niki Newd Review

Skincare Blog Niki Newd Review

Do you really know what you’re putting on your skin? Can you read the ingredient list of your favorite products and have a peace of mind on every single ingredient mentioned there?

Because the ingredients are what makes the product. I love pretty packaging, but the inside is what I’m paying for.

Niki Newd Fresh Skincare


Niki Newd Fresh Skincare

When I heard of Niki Newd and their completely new take on skincare, I was instantly intrigued. Niki Newd offers fresh cosmetics, meaning the products are actually made from pure, food grade ingredients.

Just like an orange juice is best freshly pressed – these new luxury products offer that same freshness to the biggest organ of your body. Your skin.

When I go to the grocery store I try and make good healthy choices. I check the product list for sugars, preservatives, wheat and what not. I make my decision based on what the product contains.

Luxury is knowing what you’re eating and being able to choose wisely for your body. And frankly, the same goes to beauty products.

My results using Niki Newd products

I have been using Niki Newd products now for a month (and the soap actually for even longer than that) and my skin is in fantastic shape. My skin has been in a great shape for some time now, but ever since I switched to these products, the very last bits of my acne has started to heal.

If you’ve been a regular reader of mine, you know that I’ve battled with acne. My acne went away with birth control pills, but a few stubborn pimples stuck on my jawline and they have been there for a year. They are quite deep and I can clearly feel them when I touch my jaw. During this year, I’ve just ignored them, being happy that that’s all that’s left from my acne. But after I started using these products, they’ve started to heal. I’ve actually even been able to squeeze one of them out (or some of it), since it came to surface with a white head.  Prior to this, my cosmetologist tried to poke holes in them and squeeze them out and nothing came out.

My skin feels very balanced. It’s clearly loving these products. And I am too – because suddenly my routine is as simple as it gets. I only use the Oatmeal soap (after first removing my makeup with an oil) and then three other products after that, for my whole face.

What’s genius about Niki Newd products is that they are suitable even for the eye area. My lashes and brows get a nice treatment with the Skin Velvet Oil and I’m secretly loving skipping eye creams.

If I’m feeling lazy, I can mix the oil, cream and the mist and just massage that in. Simple. It’s luxury having to do less – and still getting great results.

P.S. You’ll find my special deal for these products at the end of this post!

Niki Newd Oatmel Soap

Niki Newd’s Oatmeal Soap is not your regular soap so you can forget whatever comes to mind with the word “soap”. It’s my favorite product out of all these and what surprised me the most. I can stop looking for the perfect cleanser, because this is it, and I mean it. It cleanses my skin well, but doesn’t leave it dry or oily.

The soap contains rapeseed, coconut and linseed oil, making it very gentle so it doesn’t disrupt the acid mantle. Besides the oils, the soap contains oatmeal and yeast, which are anti-inflammatory. And now I’ve already mentioned all the ingredients. This product contains just five ingredients.

A little goes a long way with this product and one soap lasts for over two months in my use.

Niki Newd Oatmeal Soap

Niki Newd Skin Velvet Oil Review

Niki Newd Skin Velvet – oil

Niki Newd’s Skin Velvet is a dreamy oil serum that nourishes the skin with Nordic berry seed oils, camelina oil and avocado oil. It contains lots of fatty acids, which are exactly what your skin would want to eat, if it could choose. It also contains antioxidants such as vitamin E and Q10. All from the oils.

This oil absorbs nicely in my skin without the oily feeling and it leaves my skin radiant. If I was in an absolute rush, I could get way with using just the oatmeal soap and this oil.

And hey – you can now get a free sample of this oil with your order by using the affiliate code ‘CHARLOTTA’.

Niki Newd Skin Velvet

Niki Newd Skin Cream & Skin Mist – mixing as I go

The Skin Cream and Skin Mist are the first products I’ve used that are meant to be stored in a fridge. That might feel weird at first, but let me ask you this: would you rather have the product be fresh, or to have preservatives?

The Skin Cream contains grapeseed oil, sea buckthorn oil, spring water, beeswax and vitamin C & E.

This cream is one of the first products Niki Newd made and I can understand it’s popularity. It’s a simple product that does what it promises – nourishes and hydrates. It’s the lightest cream Niki Newd has and when you mix it with the Skin Mist the consistency becomes even more lighter feeling (plus you get extra hydration and vitamins from the mist!).

The Skin Mist contains Spring water, lactose, betaine, glucosamine and vitamin C & B5.

What’s amazing about the Skin Mist is that it helps to maintain the moisture balance, but also protect the skin from sun damage and the key ingredient in that is glucosamine. So this product is great especially for summer time. Though obviously the best way to avoid sun damage is to avoid sun and use a sunscreen.

P.S. My favorite sunscreens are listed here.

Niki Newd Skin Cream
Niki Newd Skin Mist

Niki Newd SKin Mist


My combination skin loves this combo. I love that you can mix up the products to suit whatever it is your skin needs. If my skin is feeling dry, I’m using just a tiny bit more of the cream. If my skin feels good and I just want a light hydration, I can use less cream and spritz in more of the skin mist.

Niki Newd Yogurt Skin Mask

Yogurt Skin Mask is a special product, because it’s the original Niki Newd mask based on an old family recipe. It’s has that homemade feel to it, which is nice.

Niki Newd’s masks come in two parts: the powder and the mask water. This ensures the freshness of the mask, because you can mix the mask yourself. That’s pretty common in beauty salons as well, when you book a facial. This gives the mask a nice touch, like it’s made just for you.

The mask contains oatmeal, yogurt powder, potato starch and yeast. The water is pure spring water from Finnish Lapland.

The mask dried down on my face and tightened a little. It reminded me a little of DMK’s Enzyme mask (but in a much milder form). It left my face feeling soft, clean and plump. I used it in a time where my skin felt like it needed an exfoliation and some pampering and the mask did do its job. In all honesty I have to say though, that I did not like the scent of the product, which came from the yeast. Luckily it disappeared when it dried down a little and then it smelled like nothing.

Niki Newd Yogurt Skin Mask

Modern, simple skincare

All in all I’m left with a little awe of the products and the whole brand. The products are modern, they feel personal (well, they are artisan made just for your order) and the whole skincare routine is simply effective. I love the pure ingredients – my sensitive stomach loves oatmeal, but I never knew it could work for my skin as well.

If you’re intrigued about the products, but don’t want to go all in straight away – I recommend trying just one product. I’m sold on the oatmeal soap and my second favorite product is the Skin Velvet. And the best news really?

You can get a sample size of the Skin Velvet Oil, when you make a purchase, with the *affiliate code ‘CHARLOTTA’. It’s gonna show up as “0,00€” on your order, but the gift is automatically added to your package.

Shop here!

Niki Newd makes new fresh bathes monthly – if you want your products for August, you should make your order by 20.7. to get it at the start of the month.

Fresh Skincare Review Niki Newd

So – how does fresh cosmetics sound to you? Have you heard of Niki Newd before?

*Affiliate code means that you get a gift – and I make a small commission based on your purchase.

Small good things

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Collaboration with Fokus Media


These past months I’ve had the pleasure of receiving Cosmopolitan magazine at my door. I can’t remember the last time I actually ordered a magazine, so this collaboration was really nice. For me, reading a magazine is a way to relax. Take some time for myself, put my brain on hold and just enjoy interesting articles and beautiful photos.

Reading a nice magazine has been one of those small good things. Those things in daily life that don’t necessarily feel like much, but that – in the end – matter the most. Like a good cup of tea, a movie so horrible it’s actually the most hilarious thing ever, or a nice surprise in your inbox. Or a sister dropping by. Or gluten-free pizza. Or friends who lift you up and celebrate your success. Or love.

I’ve been sick for the past week so those small good things have been more important than ever. What is it about being physically ill that makes your mental health drop as well? Or maybe it’s just the perfectionism in me. I’m bad at not feeling bad about myself when I feel like I can’t do anything useful. It’s ironic how my last post was about me doing so well and at the same time the heading All black everything described last week pretty well. But rather than complain, let’s get to the good things.

I thought it would be fun to list five things that delighted me in Cosmopolitan.

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Celebrity interviews
I read interviews on strong beautiful women like Christina Aquilera and Ciara. I look up to women who are not afraid to talk about difficult things, but still focus on the good. I think interviews are the most interesting thing in magazines. There was also an interview on one of my favorite rappers, Pyhimys. It’s funny how some celebrities feel important to you. But when I was going through a tough time, listening to Pyhimys actually helped me get through it.

Fashion photography
I rarely copy any outfits from magazines, but they do give me inspiration. They also give me an idea of what fashion is like currently. And obviously the photography is so good. If only I could pose like the models though.

Makeup inspiration
I love, love love editorial makeup, which is seen a lot in magazines like in Cosmopolitan. Some of them wearable and some of them not so wearable. I find myself staring at some of the makeup photos for so long.

I never read horoscopes unless they’re served to me on a platter. Like, in a magazine. I don’t really believe in horoscopes, but I find them entertaining. And sometimes surprisingly accurate.

Product reviews
In one of the magazines there was a test you could take to figure out which perfumes were perfect for you. Well, the poll ended up giving me a profile that didn’t suit for me, but I still found some interesting new perfumes I’m gonna check out. You’re probably not surprised, but I enjoy reading product reviews and finding new products that way.

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If you would like to pamper yourself or someone else – you can order Cosmopolitan Finland here.


What have been the small good things in your life lately?


P.S. Have you checked out my giveaway on Instagram? Or on Facebook? Those two giveaways are for Finnish residents only, but little elves tell me that there is a third giveaway coming, that might be for European residents. Make sure to follow my insta (@charlottaeve) and facebook page (Charlotta Eve)!

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