Heatwave in Helsinki

summer outfit heatwave helsinki

summer outfit helsinki

space buns blonde hair

Do you know that wonderful feeling, when you step out of the plane and you feel the warm air on your skin, and you smell it in your nose? It always, always feels like you’ve come to a different world – and usually you are, on a different time zone or on a different continent.

Lately, I’ve had that feeling, stepping outside of our home. Or actually, better yet, stepping outside of an air-conditioned car, since our home is pretty much the same temperature as outside anyway. Helsinki has felt like a completely different city.

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summer outfit helsinki

Outfit – Get The Look
Top – Zara (similar *here)
Shorts – H&M (similar *here & *here )
Ballerinas – Wonders (similar *here)
Bag – Björn Bjorg (similar *here, *here)

I’m walking outside and I’m thinking of the crowded and hot streets of Barcelona. I’m thinking of Italy, especially since it’s probably the first time in years, that I get to wear my shorts, which I wore in Venice. I’m thinking of Croatia – and silently thanking the weather gods, that at least it’s not as hot as it was there. At nights, when I don’t sleep much and I wake up because of  the heat, I’m teleported to Berlin and our airbnb flat – sometimes you just forget to check if the place has AC.

But then again, I’m thinking of Helsinki and home. Because even when the grass turns yellow, the clouds have forgotten their place and the rain is pouring only in my imagination, there’s something really familiar about it. It’s all here, the buildings and the people, the same coffee places and the same streets I always walk on. I should find more new streets though. Like this beautiful one, where we shot these photos.

Cold or hot, rain or sunshine. Helsinki feels always special, because I get to call it home.

space buns hair

Hair & photos Susanna Pomèll

P.S. Could every day be space buns -day? That hairstyle made me feel like I could easily fly to at least all the way to space.

Beautiful, but quiet

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style blog

Jacket –  Second hand | Scarf – Kappahl | Pants – Only | Bag – Björn Borg | Shoes – Vagabond | Earrings – Hopea-Puro

Facebook has started to remind ourselves of our memories, things shared in the past. I find them funny and lovely – usually the memories are something happy and positive – good moments, that we have wanted to share. But obviously, there are some other things too, things that other people have posted on your profile, posts about people that you have lost and etc.

Today, Facebook reminded me of a guy, that posted on my profile. It was some game, where you needed to post your first impressions of a person on his or her profile. The post said “Beautiful, but quiet”.

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As in, I am beautiful, but not good enough – not entertaining enough – certainly not the light of the party. On the comment section we changed a few words and the guy asked me why I was so quiet and I responded with something like ‘it’s always the quiet ones’. What I was trying to say with that, was that I had more on my mind, than what was seen on the outside. What I was desperately trying to signal, was that I was worth getting to know to, but I wasn’t one of those, who let people close easily.

Well – I hardly knew that guy and remembering that time, I was hanging out with friends, that I am no longer in contact with.

But I still sometimes hear that accusation. Being quiet – there must be something wrong with me? Am I not happy?

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And there lays the mistake – thinking, that only people, who are constantly talking, laughing and smiling are happy. People, who make friends easily and socialize around. People who let it be known, let it be heard.

To be honest, I’m not really sure why I started to write about this subject in the first place. I’m not sure, if I know what I really want to say with it. But what I do know, is that there is a certain peace in knowing yourself, knowing your worth and appreciating your life. That peace creates a happy feeling, that doesn’t only show on your lips, but feels all the way in your feet.

Sometimes all you need is to not to talk with people, but to simply know that they are there.

And if it looks like it’s beautiful, but quiet – so be it. I was never about much noise anyway.

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Photos & hair: Susanna Poméll/Healthyhair

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