Gift ideas for someone who already has everything

Sponsored collaboration with SLURP

I love giving and receiving gifts. But I’ll admit it gets difficult once you’ve already gone through the basic things: chocolate, pajamas, candles, socks or nail polish. I want to give gifts that are thoughtful and useful. I want the gift to put a smile on the person’s face. Perhaps even get the person to know to some awesome thing or product that I think she or he would love.

Since it’s already Fall and the season of giving (did I hear some jingle bells?), I wanted to give you some ideas to gifts. Especially when you feel like the person already has everything.

Gift ideas for someone who already has everything

  •  Time

Non-material gifts are awesome. My idea: make a gift card to go to a walk, a movie or something else together. The most important thing everyone needs is time spent together. Simple as that.

  • Something hand-made such as a painting, a candle etc.

I’ve surprised myself lately by actually enjoying crafting. I love making candles and just recently I started to paint. I think giving something hand-made always has that little special effect in it, since you’ve put your time and effort (and love) into the gift.

  •  Food

Okay, I know I said chocolate is a ‘basic thing’, but I’ll never get angry at a box of chocolates. Or, you know, something healthier. Everyone needs food and I think food is a great gift. Maybe make a basket of some delicious thing and put a bow on it? Okay, maybe that’s a pretty basic idea. But perhaps you stumbled here in a full gift-giving panic and hadn’t thought of that. In that case: you’re welcome! Ha.

  •  Coffee

Ah, coffee. Now there’s an awesome gift. And giving delicious sustainable coffee as a gift has never been easier. You know I’m a huge fan of Slurp coffee subscription, but did you know you can also give Slurp as a gift? Here is the ultimate gift for someone who has everything.

Slurp coffee as a gift

Slurp coffee subscription is a great gift idea, because you’re not only giving coffee as a gift, but you’ll be gifting an experience. Coffee experience. The person gets the coffee fresh, delivered to his or her doorstep. Gets to try some new artisan coffees.

And: the gift doesn’t go to waste. It can literally be enjoyed, one cup at a time. The prices for gift cards start from 25,76€.

And yes – I do have a discount for you. Code ‘CharlottaLahja’ gives you -10% off on the ongoing coffee subscription and gift cards. So now is a great time to shop for a gift – or pamper yourself with a coffee subscription. Order your SLURP subscription or shop gift cards here. The code is valid until 10.11.19.

And in case this is the first time you hear about Slurp, I recommend reading my first post with them.

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