In 2019…
- I tried new sports; boxing, kickboxing and twerking. The last one was a flop, obviously.
[Go on, exceed yourself] - I flew alone and had the best holiday with my three sisters. How lucky am I to have sisters as my best friends?
- I ran a half marathon (or the distance) with my sisters – singing ‘We are the Champions’ is what got us through the final metres.
- I Embraced my natural curls, even though it didn’t make me a curl goddess like some of the amazing curl gurus I follow on Instagram. It did however result in me and my blog being mentioned in a Finnish lifestyle magazine! [Naturally curly and wavy hair 101 – Curly hair routine]
- I was more comfortable in my body than I have ever been – and I talked about that here too and got very positive feedback and encouragement from you (thank you!). [Me too & My body is written with scars]
- I had a lovely summer. Then again, aren’t summers always lovely? Full of endless sunlight, adventures and gin & tonics.
- I moved to a new apartment, that instantly felt like home. I still can’t believe I get to live in a pretty much my dream home.
- I found new creative outlet and hobby: painting. I want to do that more in 2020 too.
- I improved a lot with my blog. I hit over 30 000 visitors a month in November! My ambitions with this blog are huge. I want this place to be unique, helpful, fun, interesting and everything that I am. I guess I’m finally feeling a little proud of this project (and saying that out loud is more than fine).
What else? Fall and the end of the year has been quite the roller coaster. I’m consciously trying to learn to really really enjoy the littlest things and appreciate everything I have. Because I have the world. I have the love of my life, I have big family, I have my close friends and I’ve also got to know to some pretty amazing people through my work. I have roof over my head and I’m healthy. I can run and I can write. I have cloudy days where my anxiety and depression want to lift their head up, but I’m strong.
Thank you, universe, or whatever it is keeping my feet on the ground.
I’m ready to dance 2019 away – and going into new adventures in 2020.