Sometimes I get so excited about a brand, I’m in advance sure the products will be awesome for my skin. Now I have to say, this doesn’t happen that often. I don’t always buy into the hype and I want to make my own opinions on products and brands.
But a while back I got very excited about a brand. The brand being Kora Organics. You know, founded my Miranda Kerr? That gorgeous model, who some may know from Victoria’s Secret shows. If there’s any chance I could get some of that glowy gorgeousness from her products, I’m in!
Seriously speaking though: I like the fact that the brand is organic, it’s not just about beauty (but about wellbeing) and I like the packaging of the products. I’m not a fan of crystals and don’t believe in their superpowers, but I think they are a fun and a unique addition to the products.
So I tried Kora Organics Daily Ritual Kit, but I was disappointed. Most of the products just didn’t seem to work for me.
I decided to still share my experience. Because it happens. Not every product I receive works for me. Not every product ends up here on the blog. I usually don’t blog about the products, I don’t love. But for once, I thought I could make an exception.
Because – and here’s the important thing – I don’t think these are necessarily bad products. There are different skin types. What doesn’t work for me, might work for someone else.
Products received as PR-samples
The Daily Ritual kits contain your main products: a cleanser, a toner and a moisturizer. My kit for combination and oily skin contained a Foaming Cleanser, Energizing Citrus Mist and Purifying Moisturizer. These lasted for about three weeks for me. I mean, I ran out of the cleanser and there’s very little left of the two other products.
Let’s start with the product I actually did like. And it seemed to work for me. And that was the Foaming cleanser. I like cleansers, that foam. This does foam, but not too much. Actually, it’s foaming is very minimal. It’s more like a gel, that foams a little. So the name can be a bit misleading. It felt effective, but gentle, and it didn’t leave my skin feeling dry. I used this as my second step after first removing my makeup with something else. I wouldn’t recommend this for makeup removing, unless your makeup was very very minimal. I used it in the morning and in the evening.
I also liked the Energizing Citrus Mist – at first. I love it’s scent. It’s honestly so refreshing and not as citrusy, as I thought. However, after using it for a while I noticed that it leaves my skin feeling a bit sticky. And that is not something I like. I always look for products that absorb nicely into the skin and are lightweight. Having a combination skin with a tendency to oiliness, you can probably relate. Maybe this would work for me in the winter, when my skin is dryer? I don’t know. It’s confusing that a mist can make your skin feel sticky and oily.
I actually faced the same problem with the Purifying Moisturizer, which is a bit weird. It is a moisturizer for combination and oily skin after all. Somehow the consistency or ingredients didn’t work for me. I noticed, that the lotion didn’t absorb that well into my skin and also that it left my skin feeling tacky. Just like the Citrus Mist did.
So both the mist and the moisturizer were too heavy for me. Too moisturizing, perhaps? Which leaves me to the conclusion, that perhaps they would work for normal skin. Or skin, that is more on the dry-side. Which, again, is a bit weird, since they are on the combination/oily skin line.
Anyway. Here was my honest experience with the products. Unfortunately I was a bit disappointed. There was so much I did like: the fact that it’s organic, cruelty-free, mostly vegan, with beautiful packaging and with a touch of a supermodel. But the consistencies of the products just weren’t that great and they didn’t do what they promised to do. With that price range, I would have expected more. (Actually, I just saw the prices for the first time and was a bit surprised.)
You can shop Kora Organics on their website or for example on Sephora, where I put links below.
Daily Ritual Kit* $32
Foaming Cleanser* $30
Energizing Citrus Mist* $34
Purifying Moisturizer* $48
Have you tried Kora organics? Is there something you think I should try? I know the Rose Quartz Luminer seemed nice. I swatched it quickly on my hand at the office, and it seemed like a great subtle glow product.
I would also like your feedback on this post, since it’s not my usual style. Did you like this post?
And hey, if your skintype is anything similar to mine, check out these posts:
New skincare faves – I’m already on my third tube of the awesome cleanser mentioned here
How to moisturize an oily skin? – a list of moisturizers suitable for oily skin
Mä olen rakastunut taas Koraan, mistit on ihan kivoja mutta juuri tuo Foaming Cleanser on yksi lemppareitani putsaririntamalla vähään aikaan. Mitä olen vähän Koran öljyjäkin testannut on ne myös aika jees, samoin kuivan ihon kosteusvoide, mitä käytin paljon kesällä. Mutta kaikki sarjat ei sovi kaikille, sääli!
x Laura / Laura Loukola Beauty Blog
Joo cleanser on kyllä hyvä. Kiva kun jaoit erilaisia kokemuksia! Millainen ihotyyppi sulla onkaan? 🙂
Mä oon tällainen kuiva rusina 😀
Oli todella jännä lukea sun kokemuksesi näistä. Itsellä on pintakuiva iho ja mulla on tää suihke, eikä se itsellä tunnu lainkaan tahmealta. Voiteista en ole käyttänyt kuin kuivalle iholle tarkoitettua ja se on ihana, ei lainkaan tahmainen, yksi parhaita luonnonkosmetiikan voiteita meikin alle. Nyt melkein tekisin mieli kokeeksi ostaa matkakoko tätä rasvaisen ihon voidetta ja testata, mullahan kuitenkin t-alue rasvoittuu, että mikä olisi itsellä ihotuntuma. 😀 Nää on aina yhtä kiinnostavia miten tuotteet toisella toimii.
Joo eiks vaan! Kaikilla on niin eri iho ja niin eri maku myös. Muakin kiinnostaa, miten tää voide toimii vähän kuivemmalla iholla 😀 Taisin itse asiassa antaa tän siskon (kuiva-ihoisen) testattavaksi.. Kiva kun jaoit kans sun erilaisia kokemuksia. 🙂
Mulla on ihan samat tuotteet ja oon tykännyt tosi paljon. Misti ei jätä itselläni erityisen tahmaista tunnetta, mutta hoitavan fiiliksen kumminkin. Vesimäisten tuotteiden tahmaisuus tulee aika usein niistä humektanteista. Tahmainen efekti on toki epämiellyttävä, mutta ei aina ihovaikutusten kannalta huono 😛
Samalla linjalla noiden kristallienergioiden suhteen. En vaan jaksa uskoa 🙂
Heh, itse asiassa luin sunkin postauksen, kun tein vähän taustatutkimusta, että miten nää on muilla toiminut. Paljon löyty myös samoja fiiliksiä, kuin mitä mulla oli. Mutta sitten oli noita positiivisia arvioitakin. 🙂 Joo, pientä tahmaisuutta siedän yötuotteilta, mut jotenkin silti, hmm… Kyllä tuotteessa voi olla tehoa, vaikka ei jäis tahmaiseksi. Kiva kun kommentoit!
Mua tää sarja on houkutellut jo jonkun aikaa ja nuo purkit on ihanan pirtsakat! Saa nähdä, miten mun käy, kun lopulta päädyn testaamaan 🙂 Mutta se on fakta, että kaikki ei voi millään toimia kaikilla, kun ihot ja mieltymykset on niin erilaisia 🙂
Jep, niinhän se on! Mut kiva, että tässä sarjassa on tälläisiä settejä, niin voi testata toimivuutta. Ja vähän edullisemmin. Odotan mielenkiinnolla mitä tykkäät tästä, jos päädyt testailemaan. 🙂 Paljonhan täällä on positiivisia kokemuksia jaettu!