At least she has a blog and some great beauty advice. And a last name, that represents her tangled hair well (it basically means Tangled in Finnish).
But to answer the question and actually avoid it like a genious – I’ll tell you 10 facts about me.

1. I always exaggerate everything, sometimes more and sometimes less. Usually you can figure out what’s been exaggerated or not, but I’m never the one to break it down for you. (So you can be thankful, that I revealed this straight in the beginning.) If something ordinary, but funny, has happened to me – it’s transformed into something huge and hilarious while I’m telling you about it.
2. I’m a morning person. I wake up and get up immediately, when the alarm rings. I’m never actually tired in the mornings. Mornings are like new beginnings for me and I love to start my new day with a cup of coffee.
3. I’m scared of wasps. Like super scared. I’m so scared of them, that I keep having nightmares about them, from which I wake up either a.) screaming or b.) crying. When I was in elementary school, I wrote an essay about my fear of wasps, which the teacher read aloud in front of the class. I’m not sure what it has to do with this, but at least the fear has been there since 2007 and it did me some good in school.

4. I’m the fifth and the youngest sibling of my family. I have a big brother and three sisters. I also have a little brother from my father’s side, who’s by the way super funny (and cool in the way, that he probably never reads my blog, but in the case he happens to do it now: greetings!). My sisters and my brother taught me well and they made me quite a normal person. But they still carry the weight on their shoulders regarding the fact that I never learned how to drink beer. “Our bad. The training wasn’t finished.”

5. I’ve been a vegetarian since I was nine years old. I made the decision all by myself and my blood pressure still rises, when I reminisce of all the questions I had to answer as a little girl. Compliments among others to our school’s nurse, who claimed that I wouldn’t get puberty and that my growth would stop, because I didn’t get all the protein and unicorn particles that only exist in meat. My puberty was as tough as anyone’s, but at least my growth made it possible for me to to eat whatever food and sweets I wanted.

6. I have name traumas. A difficult name (for a child to pronounce) and the fact that I couldn’t articulate letters R and S made me known as “Tallotta.” It made me tear up, when I tried to explain my name to the new kindergarten teacher. “What’s your name?” “Tallotta..” “Oh, you mean Sara-Lotta?” “No! I mean Tallotta!”. The worst were probably all the first days at school or other events, where you gathered in a circle and everyone had to say their name. Even after I learned R and S, I still had trouble pronouncing my name, because I had traumas. Nowadays it’s funny, when children try to say my name – the funniest so far has been “Crocodile”.

7. Actually you could write another number about my name – as it happens to be pretty unclear for many adults too. I think it’s because it’s not a common name in Finland. My name is not Sarlotta, Carlotta, Zarlotta or Charlotte. At least my passport has it right! I’ll write it down once, so we can all practise: Charlotta. I also recognize myself from Charkku or C. We can be friends now.

8. Shocking news here! I date a man, who’s twelve years older than me. The age difference shows in our relationship really only on paper. I never chose my man based on age. It just happened. Together we’re cuteness overload and #couplegoals and whatnot. I instantly become teary when I talk about him or us – I’m that way annoyingly and deeply in love.

9. I have a really bad sense of humor and none of the jokes I tell are funny. But if I give it my all, I might make my audience laugh. Humor is one of the most important things in my life, and I wouldn’t be here, if I wasn’t able to laugh at the most horrible things. Especially in my family we joke about everything – if someone who didn’t know me would hear us, they’d probably think I’m crazy.

10. I was born in Oulu (city in the Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland), but in my heart I’m a true Helsinkian. This is a fact, that not many are aware of, and it causes some confusion and amusement for example at the club doors. It’s nice to have lineage from Oulu, but I still wouldn’t in a million years move back there. I still automatically speak in Oulu’s accent when I’m with my relatives, so I haven’t been able to eliminate all of my Oulu heritage.

There you go! Now you tell me something about yourself. Anyone else with a huge fear of wasps? Traumas concerning your name?
It was really nice getting to know you, cute facts about you! I am not a morning person, I need my time and I cannot talk to people unless I have coffee and then I act like a normal person. And yes, you look so happy and so in love!! x
Glad you liked it! x Coffee is a must-have in the mornings, yes.
I loved reading this! I find it so interesting you’ve been a vegetarian for so long as your story is similar to mine. When I was around 12 I did the same thing, after a lifetime of hating eating meat. Everyone thought it was a phase but I’ll be 30 next year and still no meat haha. – Amy
Thanks! Nice, that’s a cool coincidence. 🙂 I think I will never eat meat again.
Loved reading this Charlotta! Great idea to tell us more about you. Well, I’m not a morning person for sure. I need tons of time to get up and no pressure,otherwise I get angry. I definitely need coffee and something to eat too! My biggest fear is darkness, I’ve never been in total darkness since I was a baby. I attempted being a vegetarian when I was 14 and lasted for two years… but a Greek can’t avoid the lamb for Easter is my excuse ;). Still, I don’t eat egg unless it’s well fried and in an omelette with potatoes and cheese. How weird is that?
Thank you so much <3 Haha, thanks for sharing some fun facts about you! I think I'm a little scared of dark too.
I enjoyed reading about you. You have a pretty name and it’s not difficult to pronounce it . Love this outfit on you, the jacket is gorgeous.
Nina’s Style Blog
Thank you! <3
These ten facts about you are so sweet and interesting! I’m a morning person too and I’ve been vegetarian since I was 12, vegan since I was 15 – the questioning from people who don’t understand you can still go through puberty fine on a vegetarian/vegan diet is a nightmare!
Really enjoying reading your blog, you’re writing is fab! 🙂
Thank you! I’m glad you like my writing – especially since English isn’t my mother language. I was a vegan too for about a year or two. It wasn’t my thing after all and I’m happy just being a vegetarian. 😀