I always talk about the importance of blush. Blush makes such a difference. It’s one of the most important makeup products you should have in your bag. Blush makes you look younger, healthier and more awake. It makes your skin and your whole appearance glowing. It’s also the key product in contouring your face – especially for square face – which you can see in this post too.
One day I was thinking about blush and how passionate I am about it (#onlybeautybloggerthings). I got an idea to do a post where I show you concretely how blush changes you for a better. So here we are! Three different faces – before and after blush.
Here is my gorgeous red headed friend Eve. I did Eve’s makeup and concentrated on the skin and brows (and blush of course). Eve has a beautiful pale geisha-like skin that really benefits from some blush. See how the blush makes Eve’s cheekbones pop? Blush gives her complexion some color and she looks healthier and beautifully glowing.
Eve’s face shape is a long oval so I applied the blush to the center of the cheeks and blended almost all over the cheeks so that they appear more plump and the face doesn’t look taller than it already is.
(* = gifted)
Eve’s makeup
Missha BB Boomer*
Rimmel Lasting Finish Nude 25 HR Foundation in Light Ivory
Rimmel Brow Palette in Medium Brown*
Lash extensions (done by me)
Jane Iredale Mystique Blush*
Here is a familiar face: Inka. Inka is my good friend and also a very talented photographer. I did a very natural makeup on her – a light makeup powder to the base and clean natural brows – and blush of course. Here again the difference the blush makes is remarkable. Inka’s freckles and her colors really come alive with some peachy color on her cheeks. She looks more awake in the after photo and her face seems a bit slimmer. And again – hello cheekbones and glowiness!
Inka has a classic oval face shape that is dashing. I applied the blush to the center of the cheeks and blended upwards to the cheekbones. It’s the basic way to apply blush and doesn’t differ much from Eve’s blush application.
Inkas’ makeup
Zuii Organic makeup powder in Ivory & Creme
Brows – dye & shape by me
Jane Iredale Mystique blush*
Here is my beautiful role model and a dear sister Janika. I did the same makeup on her as I did with Eve: a good base with some brow-slaying and a blush.
Me and Janika both have a square face and it’s sometimes tricky to contour and highlight it correctly. I actually did a contouring video about my face and you can see it here. I mentioned it in the video too that blush is really important for square face shape. With square face blush is applied right in the middle of the cheeks and blended upwards to make your face appear more slimmer and taller. It also draws attention to the center of the face rather than the strong edges. See how the blush softens and balances the face? And yet again it makes such a difference especially since there isn’t a lot of makeup on her face. Blush rather than a ton of highligher makes you really glow. There – I said it about million times now.
Janika’s makeup
Missha Perfect Cover BB Cream
Zuii Organic Eyebrow Definer in Taupe
Jane Iredale Mystique Blush*
Do you see the difference? Isn’t it amazing? Just blush it.
Beautiful pictures! When you put the photos next to each like that you can really see the difference that blush makes haha So glad to have stumbled across your blog 🙂 xx
Sophie Elizabeth
Thank you! Yeah isn’t it amazing 🙂 thanks for commenting xx
Moikka! Miten korostaisit pyöreäkasvoisen poskia poskipunalla? 🙂 Kivoja juttuja sulla muuten! Liityin lukijaksi 🙂
Life à la Sara
Moi! Pyöreäkasvoisille laittaisin poskipunan vähän yläviistoon ja lähemmäs kasvojen reunoja ennemmin kuin keskelle poskea. Vähän tällä tavalla: http://blog.unicasport.com/wp-content/uploads/Easy-tips-on-how-to-apply-blush-21.jpg
Kiva, että viihdyit blogissani! <3