My best hair care tip

Ad: Aquis Finland


How is your hair doing? Are you giving it the love and care it deserves?

My hair is doing great. I’ve done some changes, as well as done some things exactly the way like before.

About a year ago I told you how I had finally achieved my dream hair. I’m still very happy with my hair – except I’m longing for more length. But other than that, I don’t have to stress about my hair much. And yes, a big part of it is thanks to Aquis towels, which create the perfect base for my (simple and quick!) hair care.

New hair cut – layers for wavy & curly hair

Recently I did something scary and not only tried a new hairdresser, but also tried a new haircut! I’ve been thinking of cutting layers for ages, but now I finally did it. The layers have done wonders for my curls and waves. My hair doesn’t feel limp and heavy anymore, instead it’s more voluminous and airy. And I like the carefree look of it.

This new hair cut has also made it possible for me to like my hair even when I don’t style it. Even if I skip curl gels altogether, my strands kind of have a bend to them and my hair looks nice.

If you have naturally curly or wavy hair, I strongly urge you to try layers – it gives so much life to the curls.

Growing my natural hair color back – again

Two years ago I added balayage highlights to my hair and there’s still some left on the ends. I loved having highlights, but as funny as it sounds, I miss my own color a bit too. Plus I’m pregnant and don’t want to color my hair. So I’m back to growing my own color – this time it should be easier, as I’m already almost there. And I have done it once so I know it’s doable.

And about growing your own color – you don’t need to have a “special” hair color to do it. I can not stress this enough, so I’m repeating myself: You might be surprised how beautiful your natural color looks. If you want to grow your own color as well, hit me up on Instagram! I can be your support buddy. We can do it! #naturalhaircolorclub

Undone hair 

I think my whole life I’ve battled against the norm of having to “do” your hair. Like you should do a lot to your hair every day. I’ve always felt the most confident and best just having my hair living its life, free, undone – even slightly messy. My hair can move around. I touch it every once in a while. If I’m hot, I put it in a bun quickly. And when I feel like it, I do more to it.

So for a while now I’ve also done less with my hair when it comes to the curls. Not trying so hard to get the best out of them. I’ve actually started to really love day two waves as well! And yes, I still take care of my hair the curly girl way. Shampooing with a mild shampoo, using a good conditioner, scrunching in a bit of gel and not rubbing my hair when drying it. But it’s a very simple routine, one that comes effortlessly.

Interested in a simple 4 product curly & wavy hair routine?

My best hair care tip – Aquis towels

I’m also still only using Aquis towels to dry my hair. I’ve now used their towels for two years, so you can be sure my praise is well backed up. Switching to these gentle fast-dry towels is the easiest favor you can do to your hair. If you still don’t know what makes them special, here’s a reminder:

They’re made from a special fabric that is:

  • really gentle on the hair
  • really effective – they cut down the drying time even 50%!

This fabric also

  • reduces frizz
  • gives shine to the hair

+ since they speed up the drying process, I’ve found these really beneficial in bringing out the natural waves and curls

All these things I’ve experienced to be true, during these years of only using these. I never travel without Aquis anymore (the turbans are great for that, because you can kind of use the other end as a towel and then wrap the turban on to dry your hair).

My hair nowadays stays in great shape and a big part of it are these towels, as crazy as it sounds. I mean, I guess it makes sense, when you think of how often you wash your hair and then dry it. So the best hair care tip that I can share with you are these Aquis products. They suit all hair types and they make life so much easier!

The newest star to my Aquis collection is the 2 layer turban with a red silky look. It’s not only really pretty, but can be used to protect your hair or curls during the night! As you probably know, silk and satin are great gentle fabrics for the hair.


All in all, my hair and me are really happy right now. One thing I’m still slightly anxious about, is the pregnancy and how it’s gonna affect my hair. But whatever hair change, I’m sure I’ll take it. And I’ll always have my Aquis towels so there’s not too much change in my life (haha).


AQUIS fast dry towels for curly hair

Aquis fast drying towel review

Sponsored collaboration with Abreve Oy

Fast drying hair – there’s a wish I’ve had every time I’ve washed my hair and come out of the shower. One of the most frustrating things is waiting for my hair to dry once I’ve washed it. And I know I’m not alone. No one likes to wait two or three hours for their hair to dry.

But guess what? I no longer need to. I’ve found a special towel that dries my hair in half the time than a regular towel. At the same time that towel has improved my curl pattern and my hair quality – as impossible as it sounds.

Aquis fast-drying towels for curly, wavy & all hair types

I’m so excited about this collaboration, because these towels have actually improved my every day life and my curls. Since I have naturally wavy hair, I’m all about keeping it healthy and I don’t like to dry it with heat that often. Drying my hair with these special towels from Aquis is a gentle way to speed up the drying process.

Plopping my hair with the Aquis turban has improved my curl definition – the turban helps the curls to set into tighter waves and curls. Once my hair is mostly dry, it’s easy to add all the styling products and make the most out of my waves and curls.

How do Aquis towels work? What makes them special?

Aquis towels are made from special Aquitex fabric, which cuts down the drying time by 50 %. We all know that wet hair is easily damaged or stretched, so getting it quickly dry without friction is a good thing. I have my natural hair color, but if you dye your hair, Aquis towels also help to keep your hair color vibrant.

The fabric feels high quality and soft. A regular towel fabric makes my hair frizzy, whereas with these I feel like my hair becomes shinier.

Aquis towels help with curl definition and shape, since the problem with curly hair is getting the hair to dry in the right shape. Aquis hair turbans are perfect for plopping! I love to first scrunch out the water with Aquis towel and after that I plop my hair. I keep the turban on for 30-60 minutes. After that my hair is mostly dry and it’s convenient to either diffuse it to totally dry or let it air dry.

You’ll find a discount code for these products at the end of this post.

Aquis Towel for long hair, Lisse Luxe
Aquis Hair Turban, Lisse Luxe

How to: Plopping curly or wavy hair with Aquis fast-drying turban

Plopping is a great way to get your natural curls or waves to really show up. It’s all about letting your hair dry so that the curl definition or pattern is not ruined. You are basically tying your hair up upside down to create volume and definition.

  1. Place the turban on an even surface, a table or a sofa for example. Open it so that your hair can fall into it.
  2.  Your head upside down, place your hair in the turban. Pile your hair so that when you tie the turban together your hair is right above your head in a nice pile. Don’t tie the towel around your hair, so that the curls don’t get stretched (unless you want that).
  3. Let the towel absorb the water and remove the turban. After that either diffuse or let air dry. Voilà!

You can also use the towel to create a turban, but for curly haired beauties, I recommend using the actual turban. The towel is awesome for all the hair types though, and if you’re not looking for curls, it dries the hair even faster since you can tie your hair in it (like you would do with a normal towel). But as I said, I feel like I get the best results once I first scrunch out the majority of the water, before putting the turban on.

All in all, I’m so pleased with these towels and my results! There’s no going back to regular ones. I feel like now I actually look forward to washing my hair and the whole curly hair routine.

And since I’m talking about Aquis towels, I have to mention another product I’ve been using from them for several years now. I have their head band, which I use every morning when I wash my face. It keeps my hair dry and hair out of my face. It’s great quality as well and has lasted well in my every day use.

aquis hair towels turbans review

If you would like to try these, you can get -20% off with the affiliate code ‘CHARLOTTA’ on Aquis Finland Shop. I can warmly recommend these towels. Valid until 31.12.2022. Shop here!

You’ll find all the Aquis resellers from their official site here.

Affiliate code means that you get a discount and I make small commission based on your purchase.

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