Small good things

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lifestyle blog

Collaboration with Fokus Media


These past months I’ve had the pleasure of receiving Cosmopolitan magazine at my door. I can’t remember the last time I actually ordered a magazine, so this collaboration was really nice. For me, reading a magazine is a way to relax. Take some time for myself, put my brain on hold and just enjoy interesting articles and beautiful photos.

Reading a nice magazine has been one of those small good things. Those things in daily life that don’t necessarily feel like much, but that – in the end – matter the most. Like a good cup of tea, a movie so horrible it’s actually the most hilarious thing ever, or a nice surprise in your inbox. Or a sister dropping by. Or gluten-free pizza. Or friends who lift you up and celebrate your success. Or love.

I’ve been sick for the past week so those small good things have been more important than ever. What is it about being physically ill that makes your mental health drop as well? Or maybe it’s just the perfectionism in me. I’m bad at not feeling bad about myself when I feel like I can’t do anything useful. It’s ironic how my last post was about me doing so well and at the same time the heading All black everything described last week pretty well. But rather than complain, let’s get to the good things.

I thought it would be fun to list five things that delighted me in Cosmopolitan.

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Celebrity interviews
I read interviews on strong beautiful women like Christina Aquilera and Ciara. I look up to women who are not afraid to talk about difficult things, but still focus on the good. I think interviews are the most interesting thing in magazines. There was also an interview on one of my favorite rappers, Pyhimys. It’s funny how some celebrities feel important to you. But when I was going through a tough time, listening to Pyhimys actually helped me get through it.

Fashion photography
I rarely copy any outfits from magazines, but they do give me inspiration. They also give me an idea of what fashion is like currently. And obviously the photography is so good. If only I could pose like the models though.

Makeup inspiration
I love, love love editorial makeup, which is seen a lot in magazines like in Cosmopolitan. Some of them wearable and some of them not so wearable. I find myself staring at some of the makeup photos for so long.

I never read horoscopes unless they’re served to me on a platter. Like, in a magazine. I don’t really believe in horoscopes, but I find them entertaining. And sometimes surprisingly accurate.

Product reviews
In one of the magazines there was a test you could take to figure out which perfumes were perfect for you. Well, the poll ended up giving me a profile that didn’t suit for me, but I still found some interesting new perfumes I’m gonna check out. You’re probably not surprised, but I enjoy reading product reviews and finding new products that way.

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If you would like to pamper yourself or someone else – you can order Cosmopolitan FinlandĀ here.


What have been the small good things in your life lately?


P.S. Have you checked out my giveaway on Instagram? Or on Facebook? Those two giveaways are for Finnish residents only, but little elves tell me that there is a third giveaway coming, that might be for European residents. Make sure to follow my insta (@charlottaeve) and facebook page (Charlotta Eve)!

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