Dermapen microneedling results – Before & after

Dermapen Results Skin

Treatment gifted


Microneedling facials have made my skin texture smoother and my skintone more even. Even friends have noticed my skin looking great and, in their words, “glowy”. And for once I actually agree and love my skin. It doesn’t just look great compared to my acne days, but it just looks great.

Going into my series of Dermapen microneedling facials, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Even as someone who’s done facials on clients and knows that they’re usually recommended to take as series, I hadn’t experienced the results myself. But now as the facials are done I am amazed just how big of a difference they have made on my skin.

I’m not wearing any makeup in these photos (excluding lip gloss and clear brow gel). 

Microneedling skin results

Dermapen microneedling facials results – Before & after

If you’re not too familiar with the concept of microneedling, I recommend reading my previous post first. This post is dedicated to the results – and may I say – my beautiful skin.

Noora Kangasmaa did the Dermapen treatment four times on me, about every six weeks. I found the facial itself surprisingly enjoyable and felt safe in Noora’s capable hands.

Before and after four dermapen microneedling treatments

Before and after four Dermapen microneedling treatments

After just four treatments the difference on my skin feels massive. It’s never been this smooth, even or glowy. I have some deeper acne scars on both sides of my jaw and I have noticed those starting to diminish. Touching my jaw was quite surprising one day, when I could physically feel the scars not feeling that bumpy anymore. I also feel like my pores are not that outstanding.

Comparing the before and after photos side to side is not perfectly fair, because my freckles have made their appearance and I have gotten a bit of a tan. And even though I did my best, there’s always some lighting difference. However, I think you can still see the difference.

The photos of just my skin now say a lot. What do you think?

EkoPharma Herukka C Kasvonaamio

About skincare during the microneedling treatments

Now when it comes to the home care of my skin, I took very good care of my skin during this whole project. And I still do – skincare is sacred to me. After the treatments I used EkoPharma’s vitamin C mask, since vitamin C was recommended. Besides that, I used my trusted skincare warriors, most of which are mentioned in this post.

Sun protection is extra important, as your skin peels and is trying to reinvent itself. As we know, sun kind of does the opposite of that and is the main cause of premature aging of the skin. I have been using sun protection every day, but as I noticed still getting a bit of a tan, I have tried to up the amount I’m using.

Microneedling skin results

I am very happy with the microneedling results and my skin.

You know I have always been honest about my skin and showed you the real deal here. Sharing the acne stories was huge and looking back I understand why I got those “you’re brave” comments. Now it feels even better to share my current skin situation.

acne hormonal acne my experience
My skin in 2017.
acne anti coverage makeup
My skin in 2017. I remember my skin being so sore, I couldn’t wear makeup on it.

As someone who’s had acne, it feels great to not have to worry about my skin at all. Obviously I still get the occasional pimple here and there. Hormones, the position of the moon and chocolate can do that. But that’s the short term “problem” that I don’t really anymore consider as a problem. The big picture, the overall condition of my skin has improved. And isn’t long term improvement kind of the point, when you put your hard earned money into something?

I think it is.

I’m giving a massive ‘Charlotta Eve approves’ stamp on this treatment.

A video of the microneedling treatment can be found here.

Dermapen Microneedling

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